Many thanks for a job well done - my site looks great
When I needed some major changes made to my website, I was hesitant about putting my livelihood in the hands of a total stranger, however, after reading the positive testimonials on your website, I felt comfortable engaging your services. After our first phone conversation, I had total confidence in your capabilities and integrity.
You tackled my punch list with enthusiasm, all the while staying in close communication until the last item was addressed and I was satisfied. Your ability to think ‘outside the box’ in sourcing solutions resulted in savings of both time and money. I appreciate all the recommendations you made to streamline my website’s ease of operation and would not hesitate to recommend you to any web professional. Lastly, I appreciate the way you put customer service above all else – your easy friendly manner gives “geek” a whole new image.
Many thanks for a job well done – my site looks great!
Lisa Loo